The holidays are behind us, and now is the perfect time to start a new, healthy lifestyle. But how do you know what changes to make to be at your best? The first step is to talk to your doctor about appropriate health screenings. Your doctor is your best partner in the journey to a better, healthier life.

One way in which Med Center Health fulfills its mission of caring for people and improving lives in the communities it serves is by offering an extensive variety of health screenings, events and educational forums to the public. With a little bit of help, you can take charge of your health and make positive changes to improve or maintain your health and well-being.
Health screenings can be an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Some screenings offered by Med Center Health include:
•Blood Pressure
•Body Fat
•Blood Sugar and Cholesterol
“Health screenings are vital to ensure we are staying on top of our health, heading off a potential health problem before it worsens or becomes chronic,” says Sarah Widener, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator with Med Center Health. “We can’t always ‘feel’ when something isn’t right. It’s important for people to take charge of their own health and take advantage of screenings as a preventive tool.”

Many of these screenings are available through events such as the Health & Wellness Expo scheduled for January 14 from 8am to 12pm at the Sloan Convention Center in Bowling Green. Other events with screenings include the annual women’s health conference – A Day Just for Women – and the Med Center Health 10K Classic. For a full calendar of events and classes, visit MedCenterHealth.org/Events.
Educational classes, such as Blood Pressure and Diabetes Management, are also available. The blood pressure class is free of charge, and you can register by calling 270-745-0942. The Medical Center Diabetes Education Program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association and offers the area’s highest-quality diabetes education. This class can help you find the balance to live a healthy life and prevent complications that may occur from diabetes. The Diabetes Education Program is a physician-referred program that is filed with insurance, so talk with your doctor to see if it is right for you.
Med Center Health offers the Men’s Health Alliance, Women’s Center and Senior Health Network membership programs. For a one-time fee of $10, members receive annual health screenings at no additional cost to them. Screenings include blood sugar level and lipid profile (cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides). To learn more about the membership programs and screenings, call Community Wellness at 270-745-0942.

Whether it is health education classes, health screenings, disease management or membership programs, Med Center Health has something designed for people of all ages. For more information about screenings and classes, contact Community Wellness at 270-745-0942 or 877-800-3824, or visit MedCenterHealth.org. To learn more about the Health & Wellness Expo, visit MedCenterHealth.org/Expo.
-submitted by Med Center Health