In case you’re a guy and have forgotten… February is the month of love and if you have not planned something for that special someone… shame on you! But I’m not writing about your love life. I’m writing about one of my true loves… South Central Kentucky.
Now… I’m not a world traveler… though I suspect I have traveled more than most. And, especially in recent years, Twila and I have been blessed to be able to live anywhere we want… and we choose right here. When we travel, there are always two things in common… we’ve never said… “I wish we lived here” and we are always happier to come home than we were to travel.
I love the beautiful scenery of this area – the way the seasons change and Mother Nature dresses the area. Whether it’s the early spring leaves and flowers or the amazing blaze of colors in the trees for fall… it is all gorgeous. And don’t forget the beautiful lakes for fun in the summer or the occasional few inches of beautiful snow in our mild winters… here today and gone tomorrow… the best way to enjoy snow.
I love the business environment of this area. I have worked in and run numerous businesses around here over the years and the one thing I have always loved… when business is bad nationally it never hits this area as badly and when business is good… it is really good here. I’m not an economist and can’t say I really understand, but it’s true and I have enjoyed it and my businesses have benefited from it over the years.
I love the people. South Central Kentucky has an amazing and diverse population. It is a natural place for many cultures to blend and it makes this area one of the most interesting and entertaining places there is. On top of that… there’s a major dose of Southern charm and chivalry that can’t be beat. People often stop and hold the door for me… and I’m a guy… they say “please” and “thank you.” It is nice to live in a place where running into a rude person or a grouch at the drive-thru window is rare instead of the norm. And, believe me, there are parts of this country where that truly is the norm!
Speaking of the people… the entire SOKY team loves our readers, sponsors, writers, artists… everyone who helps make SOKY Happenings the great source of information and entertainment it is and those who enjoy it every month!
But most of all, I love this area because it is where I found the most amazing woman on Earth. My best friend… my business partner… my wife… yup… I found her just a few miles from here and for over 30 years she has tolerated me and loved me in spite of the grouchy, annoying guy I can be. Did you really think I was not going to include a Valentine’s message to my sweetie?
Whether you have lived here all your life or are just passing through, I hope you see South Central Kentucky the way I do… the best place in the world to work and live.