It starts with me getting lost, but don’t worry, it’s actually a very happy story. This is the tail of how I found my furever home.
I don’t remember much before I was adopted. One day I was a little lost, then some nice people picked me up and took me to a place with lots of new four-legged friends, humans that fed and loved on me, and my very own spot with a bed!
It was a pretty cool place, and I learned it was called the Bowling Green/Warren County Humane Society, whatever that means. It was great. All kinds of humans came to visit me; they petted and loved on me, even took me for walks and played ball with me. As I was relaxing in my room one day, a nice lady walked by and peeked into my kennel. I could tell she really liked me, so I wagged my tail to let her know that I liked her, too. She got me out of my kennel and I knew that this was the start of something special.
That nice lady became my mom.
She took me home for a sleepover that first night to see if I fit in with the whole Wells crew. And guess what? I did! So now, I live with my sister Derby, my brother Harley (he’s my favorite, but don’t tell Derby), my human siblings Noah and Chani, and my mom and dad. I’ve heard humans call them Mandi and Keith. We live a pretty great life. I make sure to keep my brother and sister in line, love on and protect all my family and friends, and mostly just enjoy the good life.
Last year, mom and dad won this thing in an auction that basically made us local celebrities. We even had to pose for some pictures with paw-parazzi, and now our picture is popping up everywhere! Turns out we’re the mascot dogs for the Fur Ball, a big pawty that raises money for that great place that helped me find my family.
As you can see, I found my furever family. Harley, Derby, and I are local celebs with adoring fans, friends, and, my favorite, family. The Bowling Green/Warren County Humane Society is still helping thousands of four-legged friends like me every year.
So as the tail goes, we all lived ha-paw-ly ever after. And you can, too! I double dog dare you to visit the Humane Society and adopt your new best friend. I mean, hey, adoption turned out pretty great for me. Who knows what it could do for you?
Duchess 🐾