There’s nothing like a first impression. Your front door entrance makes such a strong statement.

The first question you ask yourself is, “How much space do I need?” or “What do I have to work with as I enter the front door?” Is it such a large space you need an 8×10 rug or a smaller 5×8 rug? Do you need a large print, mirror or tapestry?
Quite often, designers suggest a lamp at each end of a console or sofa table with an appropriate photo or family portrait in between. Another option you have is to create an accent wall in your foyer of a deeper or different paint color to make it stand out.
Vases or florals are a great way to add color and style without oversizing the space on your console.
Stop in Ford’s today and see our selection of sofa tables, rugs, lamps and consoles.
-by Clarissa L. Smith
About the Author: Clarissa Smith received her education from David Lipscomb University and Western Kentucky University in the field of design. A former visual merchandiser for Castner-Knott, she decorated on the side. She has decorated Parade homes in Fountain Trace and Covington Grove plus a wide variety of commercial buildings including Chandler Park, Chandler Assisted Living and Hospice along with several banks and doctors’ offices. She has been employed as a buyer of accessories and the on-staff designer at Ford’s Furniture for over 19 years.