Spring is finally officially here. The days are warmer, nights are shorter and summer is just around the corner. Graduation season is here as well and this year my oldest child, Cadence, graduates high school. We homeschool, but the anticipation and busy-ness of senior year has been just as crazy as any other high school experience.
I can’t believe it’s actually here! We have had a wonderful homeschooling adventure that was full of so many blessings – I can’t begin to name them all. As Cadence says, “It’s been very busy, but I’ve had a lot of opportunities to pursue so many interests. I’ve learned so much; and not just about school but life in general.”
This milestone is bittersweet. I’m so happy to have the blessing of being able to witness this and be a part of it, but I’m also a bit sad about how quickly she has grown. It seems like only last week we brought her home from the hospital. I’m terrified and simultaneously excited about all the new adventures in Cadence’s future.
Cadence will be attending WKU in the fall and I’m proud to have another Hilltopper in the family! She is going to live at home and I’m not going to lie – I’m ecstatic. Among other reasons, this will save us a small fortune. With this new phase of life, Cadence will be leaving behind pieces of her childhood. She will no longer be taking piano lessons or attending dance classes at Dance Images Dance Studio. (A place that has been a second home to Cadence since she was four years old.)
At the same time, Cadence will have many new, exciting adventures waiting for her. College is an adventure in itself with all that it entails, but she is entering a more adult phase of life and there are so many decisions to make. She will have an opportunity to do many new things. She will meet new people and make new friends. She will learn many new things. It is possible Cadence might travel or study abroad. She could even meet her future spouse. The possibilities are endless!
Of course, with this stage comes new freedoms. And just what does that mean for our family? Cadence will be living at home so she won’t be completely free to do whatever she likes, but what will the new expectations look like? Will Cadence have a curfew? Will we still insist on her texting us every time she goes somewhere? Will her responsibilities (in other words, chores) remain the same? Honestly, I don’t know the answers to these questions. This isn’t just a new phase for Cadence – it’s a new phase of parenting. Mike and I have quite a bit to think about and I’m sure most of it will be trial and error as we navigate this new season of parenting. We have slowly let go of the reigns over the last couple years and tried to guide Cadence in making good decisions – playing more of a “backseat driver” role. But now we are sending her off down the road of life on her own.
I know it is normal. I know this is supposed to happen. I want Cadence to soar! I want her to follow every dream and make them all come true. I just wish a part of me could tag along. If you see me out this month and I appear to be weeping – just know this momma’s heart is full with all the emotions. Parenting is always filled with a mix of emotions but so far, this stage tops them all. (I’m beginning to think each stage gets more and more intense.) I can only imagine what graduating college will do to my emotional state, LOL. After all, at that point she will be an adult about to start a career. Or possibly even a family, or some other adventure. I think that is why high school graduation is so emotional and so exciting – it’s the stepping stone to adult life.
To my daughter, Cadence, and to all those graduating seniors: Congratulations and may God bless you!
-by Kari Carr
About the Author: Kari doesn’t claim to be a parenting expert, just a mom to her four wonderful children and wife to the love of her life, Mike. Together they move through the ups and downs of raising kids in this crazy world. She struggles through the trials and joys of raising children from the ages of two to 16 years old. Kari received her degree at WKU and taught public middle school music and choir for seven years before opening her own business, Sound Beginnings Musikgarten & Vocal Studio. She lives and works in Bowling Green.