I don’t know about you, but as a kid, I used to love magic shows. It wasn’t just the colorful costumes and props that held my attention though – it was the thrill of believing that the seemingly impossible could actually happen, and then seeing it come to life right before my eyes. When the show was over, at least for a while, I was filled with the wonder and belief that anything is possible.
As we get older, we often don’t have time for magic shows. And the world does its best to remind us every day that many things are impossible. Certainly, the last few years have done plenty to remind us just how many things are beyond our control. Sometimes it may even feel hopeless – like there is nothing we can do to make the world a better place.
Well, we at St. James United Methodist Church want to remind you that things can be better. We want to revive that spirit of changing the world and conquering the impossible. And to help accomplish that, in September, we are going to do a special bit of “magic” – we are going to turn empty bowls into food for our friends in need.
Across America, and right here in Warren County, about one in every eight people does not know where their next meal will come from, and for single-parent families, the numbers are even higher. Men, women, and children right here in town, our friends and neighbors, are missing meals every day. They aren’t doing this because of some diet fad or because they are lazy or indifferent. Often it is the result of an unexpected medical bill, or a suddenly-needed car or home repair. When budgets are tight, one surprise large bill can mean they don’t enough money to buy groceries. These are not strangers or numbers in some poll. They are people we know and love, folks we see at work, school, or church. They are our friends. As we all learned from recent storms, major problems can pop up without warning, and the only way to overcome those problems is by working together.
So, we are asking the community to help overcome this problem by working with us to help end hunger in our community. In September, St. James will host our 11th Annual Empty Bowls event – a magic show of sorts, to turn empty bowls into food for the men, women, and children in our community who would otherwise be facing empty bowls at mealtime. Like any good magic show, we will be asking for volunteers from the audience to help us accomplish this amazing feat. In addition to asking local businesses and area potters to make donations of food, bowls, and other items for the event, we are also asking fine people like you to help us by making a bowl to donate. On the 14th of September, we will kick off the 11th Empty Bowls. Every person who attends will receive a fine meal of soup, beverage, and dessert. They will also take home with them a donated handmade ceramic bowl. That bowl will not only provide food for a family that might otherwise go hungry, but it will remind you and your family that you did a truly magical thing by turning an empty bowl into food for a family that was in need.
Over the last ten years, people from our community have donated thousands of bowls, and have helped provide food to thousands of families whose lives were blessed by your effort. We are asking you to join us again this year and help us by making and donating a bowl.
If you would like to make and donate a bowl, there are several options available:
•Local pottery classes at The Pots Place, with Bob Brigl in the Pushins building, or at the Idea Lab at the Bob Kirby Branch of the Warren County Public Library, provide a place where you can take pottery lessons and make bowls on your own.
•Later this summer, the Warren County Public Library is planning on hosting a special Empty Bowls bowl-making event at the Bob Kirby Branch. Everyone attending will learn to make a bowl to donate to Empty Bowls.
•For those who would prefer not to get their hands quite so messy, The Paint’n Place on Magnolia Avenue provides a wonderful place to meet up with friends and spend a fun afternoon or evening together, while making a bowl to donate.
Between COVID and thunderstorms and tornadoes, things have been tough on our community over the last few years, but we are still together – and working together, we are strong. So please join us on this, our 11th event, and help us once again work together to make a little magic by bringing food, love, and hope to our friends and loved ones here in Warren County. Even one bowl can provide a meal to a family that would otherwise face empty bowls at mealtime.
Together we can end hunger – one bowl at a time.
If you would like more information about Empty Bowls or are interested in participating in Empty Bowls, please visit the contact page at www.emptybowlsbg.com, or send an email to garry.taylor@emptybowlsbg.com.
-by Garry Taylor, Empty Bowls Bowling Green