From now until July’s end, WCPL will focus on the theme “Growing Readers,” but not just for those in the younger set. Adults and teens are also invited to participate in activities, including the reading reward challenge and a host of programs offered at various library locations between May 22 and July 31.
One of the main goals of the library is to engage readers, and during the summer months it’s particularly important, since kids are out of school, and adults tend to take more time off work. To beat the too-much-time-on-their-hands blues, the library works to step in with programs that keep brains more active and boredom at bay. The Summer Reading Program does just that, with numerous activities presented across the system.
New this year is a series of free “family camps,” sessions jointly hosted by the library and Warren County Parks & Recreation. At least one adult family member must accompany participating campers, who are rising third through sixth graders. Sessions take place most days at Buchanon Park, with one day at the Capitol. Still open (at the time of this article’s submission) are Once Upon a Camp, STEM Camp, and Animals Camp. Dates, locations, and details can be found at https://warrenpl.org/camps.
Another camp option taking place at the Capitol is for kids and teens between the ages of 10 and 17 who have the acting bug or who’d like to try their hand at performing. Theatre Camp is scheduled for June 26-29 and ends with a public performance.
Reading incentives are just plain fun, and who doesn’t love getting free prizes? Kids who register will receive a “Farm Journey” map and will receive the following prizes for doing the activities leading to four milestones:
•Milestone 1: seed packet & planting pot
•Milestone 2: watering can
•Milestone 3: food coupon
•Milestone 4: a WCPL bucket hat and free book
Adults and teens will receive a bookmark to log their activities. When completed, they will receive a Growing Readers Summer Reading book bag and a coupon for a free book at Capitol Books. All completed reading logs also earn participants an entry into the grand-prize drawing, with the following prize options:
Prize Option One: Experience BG Package
•4 tickets to Vertical eXcape Climbing Gym
•4 tickets to the Corvette Museum
•4 tickets to Lost River Cave’s Boat Tour
•4 tickets to Chaney’s self-guided robotic milker farm tour (includes 2 free jumping pillow admissions and 1 free banana split)
•6 half-price Beech Bend coupons
•Ballpark Suite Night @ a Hot Rods Game: 25 tickets to a Monday-Thursday game of your choice! Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages included (donated by ELPO).
Prize Option Two: Great Outdoors Package (donated by Cabela’s)
•GCI Outdoor Freestyle Rocker Camping Chair
•ENO DoubleNest Hammock
•YETI Rambler 30 Oz. Travel Mug
•YETI Hopper Flip Soft-Sided Cooler
Prize Option Three: A 14-inch Squishmallow Cow
Free programs are another component of the Summer Reading Program. A series of highly acclaimed animated movies will be shown at the Capitol Tuesdays at 12:30pm, and there will be free movies for adults scheduled through the summer, as well. Popcorn, snacks, and drinks will be available for purchase (and who can resist the smell of popcorn?).
The hallmark kick-off event will again take place at the Corvette Museum Thursday, June 8, from 10am until noon. The “Farm Fest” event will feature giveaways (flower seeds for the first 1,000 people) and a host of interactive games and activities led by staff, community partners, and friends. Attendees can explore the Mobile Dairy Classroom, the Little Learners Bus, the BGISD Purple Food Bus; participate in a bike rodeo from BikeWalk BG; and enjoy a petting zoo! The Pie Queen, Chaney’s Dairy Barn, and Crave will have food trucks on site, as well.
Weekly programs for young children that take place during the year will continue, and special activities will be scheduled, as well. Since some require advanced registration; you can link to the program to sign up online at https://warrenpl.org/summer.
Adults will enjoy a number of special guests including an author, a Top Gun pilot, a celebrity impersonator, a local music group, a world renowned chef, and a World Cup soccer champion.
•The Chaperone book launch with M. Hendrix: Friday, June 2, 6 p.m. @ The Capitol
•Mastering the Skies: An Evening with Top Gun Pilot Captain Jacob R. Vaughan: Wednesday, June 7, @ The Capitol
•Natasha Neely: A Tribute to Dolly Parton: Saturday, June 10, 2 p.m. @ The Capitol
•Summer Solstice Music & Poetry Celebration: Wednesday, June 21, 7 p.m. @ The Capitol
•Food, Culture, and Community: An Evening with Chef Edward Lee: Thursday, June 22, 6 p.m. @ The Capitol
•Beyond the Field: Inspiration from World Cup Athlete Briana Scurry: Sunday, July 23, 3 p.m. @ SKyPAC
Don’t miss out on any of the fun this summer; plan now to participate! Go to https://warrenpl.org/summer or come by any library location to get started!
-by Ashley Fowlkes