The Sandford Duncan Inn is a stagecoach inn known as a spot where men would meet to historically duel on the infamous Linkumpinch Farm. In 1822, husband and wife, Sandford and Dorothy Duncan, opened the roadside inn to provide food, drinks and shelter to travelers on the Louisville and Nashville Turnpike.
The nearby area was considered no-man’s land between Kentucky and Tennessee and for many years nobody knew to which state the area belonged and which laws would apply. This dueling ground was about a mile south of the Duncans’ inn.
Today, the inn is operated by Simpson County Tourism and is a satellite location for Franklin’s craft bourbon distillery, Dueling Grounds Distillery. The distillery’s bourbon Linkumpinch is named for the farm that is so historically rooted in Franklin’s history.
Guests can take a tour of the inn, the property, and the family cemetery, and then venture inside for a bourbon tasting. This year marks the second season the inn is open regularly for public tours each week. Visitors can stop by Thursday, Friday, or Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm through the month of October. During this summer, professional dueling demonstrations will be held each month on the following dates – July 7 and 21 at 1 pm, Aug. 4 and 18 at 1 pm, Sept. 1 and 8 at 1 pm and Oct. 6 at 1 pm.
Tour and Tasting tickets can be purchased at the Sandford Duncan Inn in-person, located at 5083 Nashville Road, or online in advance by visiting www.duelinggroundsdistillery.com For those interested in visiting the distillery, a ticket purchased at the inn includes a tour of Dueling Grounds Distillery located just into town at 208 Harding Road.
-submitted by Sandford Duncan Inn