Make plans to attend the conclusion of the 7th Annual Blockbusters at the Ballpark this fall! Saturday, October 14 we will be showing “Top Gun: Maverick.” November 4 will be the rain date.
The Blockbuster events are FREE to attend, though donations are accepted. Gates will open at 6pm with a children’s costume contest at 6:30pm, and the movies begin at 7pm.
Each event features a “blockbuster” movie shown on the video board at the Bowling Green Ballpark (home of the Hot Rods) on two upcoming Saturday evenings.
Special thanks to our sponsors for making Blockbusters possible!
Vid Monster Productions – Diamond Sponsor
WNKY – Diamond Sponsor
Bowling Green Daily News – Platinum Sponsor
Children will have access to the playground area and can ride the carousel for free before the movie begins. The outfield grass will also be available for playing Frisbee or tossing a football. Concession stands will be open for families to purchase food and drink. People will have their choice of seating; they may bring a blanket to sit on in the outfield (no chairs, please) or sit in the box seats around the ballpark.
Blockbusters at the Ballpark is Community Education’s fundraiser to support programs that benefit our community. Our programs include before-school and after-school programs; Teen Angel, which provides Christmas assistance to needy teenagers in school; enrichment opportunities for adults; summer activities for children, and much more.
100% of the money raised stays in Warren County and will be used for local programs.
For more information, call Joshua Smith at 270-842-4281 or email jsmith@commed.us.
-submitted by Community Education