Decorating the tree is one of the key signs that Christmas is just around the corner. While the ornaments and lights tend to steal the show, where would they be without the tree holding them all together? It’s the centerpiece towering above the other bells and whistles. Think about it. We plan where the tree will go in the house, move the furniture for it, and make sure each present surrounds it.

If it’s not already, let cutting down your own Christmas tree become part of your family’s Christmas traditions. No more artificial trees that have seen better days, or a pre-cut tree from a retail store that’s been cut for quite some time. Instead, there’s an opportunity right here in South Central Kentucky to choose your own tree from the field, make sure it’s “the perfect” one, cut it down with your family, and take it home to decorate for Christmas. You can have that experience at Twin Bridges Tree Farm.
Twin Bridges Tree Farm is a family-owned and operated business in Alvaton, Kentucky. A quick turn off Scottsville Road reveals the farm with a little more than five acres of fresh Christmas trees.
The trees at Twin Bridges Tree Farm begin as saplings, planted each spring. Typically, these trees grow about one foot each year, so by the time they’re ready to cut down and take home, they’ve been Alvaton residents for several years!
Twin Bridges Tree Farm has hundreds of trees available to cut this Christmas season. The farm will supply your family with a measuring stick and a saw to cut down the tree, and would be happy to help as needed. All trees are “choose and cut,” meaning they grow in the field and are only cut down when someone chooses that tree to take home. All the other trees are left to continue growing for future years. Once a tree is cut, a hole will be dug by that stump for replanting in the spring and the cycle continues.
Twin Bridges Tree Farm has a selection of different types of Christmas trees: White pine, Norway spruce, and a select group of Scotch pines.
White pines are known for great needle retention and will stay fresh well past Christmas, as long as they’re watered properly. They have long, soft needles, tend to be full, and have the “traditional Christmas tree” shape/look.
Norway spruce trees have shorter needles with sturdy branches. There is more space between the branches, allowing room to show off ornaments and hold them in place. These trees give off a great spruce smell.
Scotch pines also have shorter needles, but tend to be more full than the Norway spruce trees. They have strong needle retention and hold ornaments well.
In addition to the Christmas trees in the field, Twin Bridges Tree Farm sells easy-to-use tree stands that can be reused for future Christmases. The farm also offers complimentary tree shaking, which knocks off loose needles and debris from the outdoors, as well as complimentary tree bailing, where netting is wrapped around the tree for convenient transport. Twin Bridges Tree Farm will help secure your tree to your vehicle to get it home. Double-sided wreaths are also available.
Twin Bridges Tree Farm, run by Donna and Eddie Beane, is proud to be part of the Warren County community. During the 2022 Christmas season, Twin Bridges Tree Farm donated the tree that was placed in front of SKyPAC for the Downtown Lights Up event. The farm plans to also supply the tree for this year’s celebration.
Twin Bridges Tree Farm is located at 9669 Twin Bridges Road in Alvaton. Coming from Bowling Green, it’s about one mile past Split Tree Barbecue on the right.
Opening day is November 24. The farm will be open Friday, November 24 and Saturday, November 25 from 9am until dark and Sunday, November 26 from noon until dark. To keep up with what’s happening on the farm, including dates and times, follow Twin Bridges Tree Farm on Facebook and online at www.twinbridgestreefarm.com. Anyone with questions can also reach out to Eddie or Donna at 502-216-4338.
-submitted by Twin Bridges Tree Farm