As a hot, dry summer slips into fall, the trees do seem to be celebrating with a slow burst of color for us to enjoy. I grew up in New York, so the changing seasons are always a welcomed event, each with their own special gifts. After a brutally hot and dry summer, the cool air is an amazing treat when I step out on the porch every morning. I will cherish this fall coolness because I know that COLD weather is following close behind.

The horses are giddy with the change in temperature and the absence of the pesty flies, for it was an especially “buggy” year. Of course, the down-side to all this is that the pastures quit growing and the horses require more hay to eat. Because it was a dry year (again), hay is in short supply and more expensive when you can find it. I did manage to locate about 500 bales from a local farmer, but we usually feed around 3,000 in a normal winter. So, I’ll keep looking and asking, “Do you know anyone who has hay for sale?” Please let me know if you have any bales or rolls of good quality. Thanks.
If you’ve ever thought about donating to help Rainhill’s horses, we’d sure appreciate it. There are several ways to help and no donation is too small.
*Salt and/or trace mineral blocks and bricks
*Corn oil (it adds extra calories for the older horses)
*Apples and carrots
*Senior feed
*Pelleted grain
*Hay cubes
*Gift cards to Lowe’s, Home Depot, Stockdale’s, Tractor Supply
We have a sponsorship program to help with extra expenses. The cost is $25 a month or a one-time $300 donation for the year. Many horses are available to choose from.
I can pick one for you or you can visit and pick that special horse for yourself! Just call first to make sure I’m available. I will send photos and updates on your horse and you can know how your horse is doing.
One of the easiest ways to help is to shop at Kroger and designate Rainhill as your charity of choice. You can do this by visiting www.krogercommunityrewards.com A percentage of your purchase will be donated to Rainhill by Kroger. They mail out checks quarterly and the money adds up, providing us with additional funds.
By the time you read this article, it will almost be Thanksgiving. So please let me thank everyone who has given so generously to help us care for these precious horses that live at Rainhill. No one here receives a salary of any kind and all money raised goes directly to the care and feeding of the horses.
-by Karen Thurman
Rainhill Equine Facility
11125 Ky. Hwy. 185
Bowling Green, KY 42101