We can’t wait to kick off this Christmas season with you! What a wonderful time of year to celebrate together and spread holiday cheer! We are entering our seventh year at The Christmas Barn and we have all kinds of exciting things in store. A live Christmas tree is the ultimate must-have to transform your home into a magical Christmas wonderland. The aroma and fresh authenticity it brings can’t be beat! We will have trees ranging in size from 6’ up to 11’. Next on the must-have list comes our fresh, live wreaths. We use Fraser Fir to custom-make wreaths in two sizes, small and large. We use different greens to add layers of diversity, as well as berries, pine cones, and other adornments to make your wreath truly unique. We also have many different ribbon patterns to top your wreath with a beautiful bow. Our wreaths bring that fresh aroma to your home, much like the trees, and will last you well past the holiday season!

This year we will have a new look for our Christmas apparel and we can’t wait for you to see!
We always have several other items to purchase such as beautiful, uniquely-arranged centerpieces, ornaments, poinsettias, Christmas cactus, and tree accessories (stands, tree preservative, funnels). If it is Christmas-related, we’ve got it!
SANTA will be visiting this year on November 24th and 25th from 11am-1pm. Come sit in the big guy’s lap and purchase a tree while you’re here! You are sure to go home in the Christmas spirit!
We will have food trucks and vendors on-site this year to make your experience unforgettable in every way. Not to mention there’s always complimentary Christmas cookies, coffee and hot chocolate in the store. We love visiting with our customers and cherish seeing old friends and new ones each year. Our season begins Friday, November 17th. Christmas Barn hours: Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm and Sunday 12pm-6pm. Come on out and sit by the bonfire with us and let’s soak in all the MAGIC this Christmas season!
-submitted by Lovers Lane Tree Farm