The 25th Annual Herb Festival begins Wednesday, April 24th and runs to Derby Day, Saturday, May 4th.
It will be under the big tent in Midtown Plaza, 901 Lehman Avenue, Bowling Green, Kentucky. We will have all your favorite herbs and perennials to bring birds, bees and butterflies to your garden. We will also have tomatoes and peppers.
As Spring comes, many of our traveling birds return. Hummingbirds, Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks and Purple Martins come back to our area and it is time to get your Hummingbird feeders up. Clean out your Purple Martin houses and get them up. Get your Bluebird houses cleaned out and ready for them to nest.
Come check out the Wild Bird and Nature Store for bird feeders, bird houses and birdbaths. We have Hummingbird and butterfly feeders as well as great outdoor garden art. Get your backyard ready for the return of birds, bees and butterflies.
-by Gerry Sawyer
Wild Bird and Nature Store