One of the top phrases I have heard through my 20 years of chiropractic practice is, “I’ve had spinal surgery so I can’t see a chiropractor.” Let’s break down why it is not only safe to have chiropractic care after spinal surgery but also why it should be an essential part of your ongoing healthcare. Each person has twenty-four moveable spinal bones. They are designed to move and work together. When they don’t work fluidly together, the spine begins to deteriorate and the discs begin to degenerate. The spine is literally your lifeline. It houses the central nervous system and creates a safe canal for the brain to connect with every cell, organ, and tissue in your body. This allows your brain to control and coordinate every action of your body through the nerves. It is imperative to keep it as healthy as possible.
I can fully appreciate the hesistancy, after having a spinal surgery, to let anyone near your spine. However, with that being said, wouldn’t you want someone who is an expert at caring for the spine and its associated muscles to help you care for your spine after your surgery?
When someone has spinal surgery, it is restricted to only the spinal bones and discs involved. This could be just one or a few spinal segments. Even if we don’t touch the spinal segments that were surgically affected, all the other spinal joints still need care and attention.
After a spinal joint has been surgically altered, especially if there was a spinal fusion (using screws or rods), then the spinal segments above and below that part of the spine will have to work harder for you to have your normal body movement. If those segments work harder then they can also wear out faster. We want to help protect those other segments from getting in the same shape that led to you having your spinal surgery in the first place.
Doctors of chiropractic spend years to learn how to care for your spine and your body. Chiropractors specialize in the spinal bones, spinal discs, and the health of the nervous system. It is our expertise. When you visit your family chiropractor after your spinal surgery, make sure to take the time to sit down with him or her and discuss your surgery. They will design a care plan that will help your spine without compromise to the surgical spinal site. The goal of your care plan will be to give you the best chance for long-term good spinal health. In most cases they will not even touch the area of the spine where you had your spinal surgery. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques, including light instrument-adjusting techniques, that are very gentle to you and your spine.
What about waiting until you develop a new pain in your neck or back? This is an option but it is not a wise option. Waiting for pain and injury to develop with your spine before you seek spinal care is like waiting for your vehicle’s engine to lock up before you decide to change the oil. Of course, that would be insane. You wouldn’t do that. We are taught to maintain our cars so we minimize the wear and tear and to prevent major breakdowns. We want to prevent any more major breakdowns of your spine.
Let’s use another example. What if, after a major root canal, you chose to forgo any future dentist appointments until you get tooth pain again? That doesn’t make sense, does it? You wouldn’t wait until other teeth become damaged and hurting before you get your dentist to care for your teeth. You would go, on a routine maintenance basis, to keep the rest of your teeth as healthy as possible for your lifetime.
This is what your family chiropractor’s goal is for your spine. Spinal surgery or not, your spine needs routine maintenance to keep it as healthy as possible. Your spine needs to last your lifetime. Denistry has progressed to the point where we can just pull your teeth and put in an implant. Spinal surgery hasn’t quite reached that point yet.
If you have had spinal surgery, I hope you have recovered well. My prayer for you would be for you to have a pain-free lifestyle so you can continue to be active and do all the things you need to do and want to do. Back pain and neck pain can stop you in your tracks. If you’ve had surgery, then you know this all too well. If you’ve had spinal surgery, I encourage you to call your family chiropractor and make an appointment to sit down with them. Work with them to develop a plan, that works best for you, to preserve and protect your spine moving forward. Chiropractic care after spinal surgery is essential for a long, healthy life.
-by Brandon Crouch, D.C.
About the Author: Dr. Brandon Crouch is a Chiropractor with Crouch Family Chiropractic (www.crouchfamilychiro.com). If you have questions or comments, Dr. Crouch can be reached at 270-842-1955 or via email at: office@crouchfamilychiro.hush.com.