Decisions, decisions, decisions. When building or doing a remodel, it’s important to start by looking at the needs that best suit your family.
Space planning and colors are crucial to getting the look and fit that are needed. Always remember reclining is usually larger and bulkier than non-reclining.
To give a softer look, you can add throws, pillows and rugs to complete your room.
Chofa sofas are also a great option. They look like a sofa but have a chaise on one side, therefore, they don’t take up as much space as a sectional.
Sectionals as well as stationary sofas can have sleepers added in. The beauty of either is they both can be done in leather or fabric. So many opportunities to get just what the family ordered. And don’t forget the option of power, also, on both sofas and sectionals.
Stop in and see Ford’s for all our different options!
-by Clarissa L. Smith
About the Author: Clarissa Smith received her education from David Lipscomb University and Western Kentucky University in the field of design. A former visual merchandiser for Castner-Knott, she decorated on the side. She has decorated Parade homes in Fountain Trace and Covington Grove plus a wide variety of commercial buildings including Chandler Park, Chandler Assisted Living and Hospice along with several banks and doctors’ offices. She has been employed as a buyer of accessories and the on-staff designer at Ford’s Furniture for over 19 years.