Breast cancer affects millions of women worldwide, yet many remain unaware of the critical role early detection plays in survival. By understanding personal risk factors and taking proactive steps, an individual can increase their chances of detecting breast cancer in its earliest stages, when treatment is most effective.
Consider this: The five-year survival rate for women diagnosed with localized stage breast cancer is an astounding 99%.1. This statistic highlights the life-saving potential of early detection. The benefits of early detection go beyond survival. Women diagnosed in the early stages of breast cancer often require less invasive treatments. This results in fewer disruptions to daily life and a significantly improved quality of life during and after treatment.
Breast cancer is often thought of as a women’s health issue, but it’s important to remember that men can develop breast cancer, too. Being aware of the risk factors and symptoms is crucial for early detection and treatment. Men with a family history of breast cancer, particularly in close relatives, should be especially vigilant about monitoring their breast health.
Graves Gilbert Clinic understands that breast cancer is more than just a diagnosis; it affects your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. We offer multi-specialty care to support you every step of the way. Our team of experts includes specialists in Primary Care, Gynecology, Radiology, Surgery and Oncology, all working together to provide comprehensive care tailored to your individual needs. Graves Gilbert Clinic’s Providers build foundational relationships committed to open communication, active listening, and compassionate support. We believe in fostering a partnership with our patients, where concerns are heard, questions are answered, and treatment plans are tailored to individual needs and preferences.
Taking a proactive step like completing a breast cancer risk assessment can make all the difference. It only takes a few minutes, but it can provide valuable insights into your individual risk factors, such as age, family history, and lifestyle. Knowing risk factors empowers people to take charge of their health, schedule regular screenings, and make informed decisions.
Graves Gilbert Clinic is committed to providing the community with the care and resources needed to stay informed and proactive. Take our breast cancer risk assessment today on GravesGilbert.com to better understand your opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones. Awareness is key, and knowing risk factors empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health and future.
-submitted by Graves Gilbert Clinic