I guess we are all thinking the same thing… “Where did the year go?” For us at Rainhill, it flew by much too quickly. There is always so much to do on a farm, chores are never ending. Animal care always comes first and with whatever time is left over there’s fixing, mowing, cleaning – well, you get the picture. Our summer was a little dry which made me worry about the hay crop. It did rain enough to produce some nice hay and the price is not too bad, either. My hay supplier has been delivering about once a month at a cost of $1,421. The grain bill is $500 a week. No one ever said horses were an inexpensive hobby.
We have taken in several horses – some blind and some just very needy. It would break your heart to see the looks in these horses’ eyes when they arrive here. Especially the blind ones, not knowing what new horror they will face. The really traumatized ones come from the auctions where their next move would be onto a truck to a place no horse should have to go. To ease the suffering of these “imperfect” horses is the reason I do this difficult job. I love horses and if I only save a few it is better than none.
The reason I am telling you all this is because without the wonderful, amazing and generous help you provide, I would never be able to save these beautiful horses. Please do not think I take every horse that needs my help. I get calls almost every day from folks with blind horses they can’t or won’t keep. I know there is a limit and I can’t endanger the ones I have by taking more than I can handle.
And so, as this year comes to an end and a new one begins, please accept my sincerest appreciation for your love and interest in Rainhill Equine Facility. If you enjoy our little stories and feel inspired by our work, we would be honored by any donation you could make. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization that currently cares for 49 horses, 30 of which are totally blind. No one here receives a salary of any kind and just works like crazy to provide the best home possible for these horses.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season filled with health, love and happiness. Let us all try a little kindness to those less fortunate. Be safe.
With love and gratitude,
Karen Thurman
Rainhill Equine Facility
11125 Ky. Hwy. 185
Bowling Green, KY 42101