Last month I had one of those milestone birthdays. I’ll just say I’m older than 10 and younger than 100… and sadly closer to the latter. But as one often does on such occasions, it caused me to think back on my life. And since it is close to the holiday, Christmases past filled a lot of those memories.
My early memories of Christmas included my parents having someone sneak into the house on Christmas Eve, put out the presents, eat the cookies and yell “HO, HO, HO” as they ran out of sight. Needless to say, I was thrilled and was convinced the jolly old guy had visited even though we were without a chimney or fireplace. Even better, I stole the idea and many years later did the same thing to my son, Jarrod. I don’t know if he remembers, but I hope if he does he’ll pull the same stunt on our grandson, Peter, one of these Christmases.
Years later I was talking one day in the newsroom at WBKO about my mom’s favorite Christmas tree. Dad would go out in the woods and cut down what I call a “normal tree,” meaning not an evergreen, and bring it home. Mom would painstakingly wrap every limb on the tree in cotton so it looked like it was covered with fluffy snow. She would hang pretty pink balls on the tree and Dad would light it with a big spotlight. Anyway, the WBKO news folks went and interviewed her and she was on the news. Mom glowed and told folks about her few minutes of fame all through that Christmas. What I wouldn’t give for a copy of that old news story but that was way before home videotape machines.
And, while this will sound more appropriate for Valentine’s Day than Christmas… every Christmas with my amazing wife, best friend and business partner, Twila, has been beyond special. She’s the brains and energy behind the success of all our business endeavors, as all our clients put up with me to get to work with her and she puts up with me, making my life worth living… even at this advanced age.
But the most important thing about all Christmases… those past… the one present… and all the ones of the future, is the reason for the season… the birthday we celebrate… that of Jesus who was born, lived, died and lived again so we could have forgiveness for our sins… the Savior of the world. So, this Christmas take a few minutes to stroll down the holiday memory lane but never forget the real reason we celebrate. May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And, as another Tim once said… “God bless us every one!!!”