I am approaching 2025 resolutions a bit differently. Rather than making a long list for the beginning of the year, I am making 12 resolutions, one for each month! Breaking those resolutions into smaller “bits” should make them easier to accomplish! Use these for your own list or as a starting point for new ones.

January: Review UFOs: Most of us stitchers/crafters have a bevy of UnFinished Objects in our crafting areas. Go through those and choose ONE to complete this month/year. Donate any projects that no longer appeal to you.
February: Clean/service your sewing machine: Keeping your machine in good working order ensures quality sewing time! If you haven’t had your machine serviced in a while, now is a good time to have a technician thoroughly clean and oil your machine. If you sew weekly, yearly service is recommended; if you stitch once a month or so, then servicing every two years or so will keep your machine in good working order. You can remove dust and lint from around the bobbin case area after every 8-10 hours of stitching as well.
March: Join a Quilting Guild: We have quilting groups that are active in Bowling Green and surrounding counties. Creative Quilters of Southern Kentucky is the local group. Community Greeters also has various sewing-related groups for newcomers to our area – a great way to meet like-minded residents. We are also fortunate to have an active state guild, The Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society, that hosts an annual meeting plus various workshops/retreats throughout the year.
April: Attend a Quilting Show: Make plans to attend Quilt Week in Paducah, Kentucky which is April 23-26. American Quilts Society annual show is a big event with lots of vendors and quilt exhibits. This is always on my April calendar for a must-do!
June: Learn a new technique: Most of us have certain techniques/blocks/quilts that we like to make as we are comfortable with the skills… stretch yourself and take a class for a skill you haven’t yet tackled. This could include English Paper Piecing, Appliqué, Landscape Quilts, Flying Geese, etc.
July: Participate in a Shop Hop: New this year for Kentucky and Tennessee is a two-state Shop Hop where you can visit participating shops, register for door prizes, and shop to your heart’s content! We have some great shops in Kentucky and Tennessee and this is a fun way of seeing them. This hop will continue through August. I am a participating shop. Check the website at https://allkentuckytennesseeshophop.com/for more details.
August: Review your notions drawer: Avoid the August heat and clean out your notions drawer. How many seam rippers do you really have??? Discard any tools that are dull or broken. Organize these so it’s easy to find what you need. My last organization revealed that I had four seam gauges, six marking pens (three of which were dried up!), etc. I have now placed a “set” of necessary tools at each of my stitching locations (I have two) so I am not constantly searching for tools!
September: Sort machine needles: I have sorted and organized my needles at the two machines I use. I found several unidentified needles which I discarded. Needles are now labeled and I have a small pincushion I can put a still usable needle in so I know it’s not a dull one. As a reminder: needles should be changed every eight-10 hours of stitching but you may need to do that sooner if stitching though a lot of thicknesses or fabric with slubs.
October: Check machine bobbins: Be sure you are using the correct bobbin for your machine. Wrong sized bobbins can cause stitching problems. Discard any bobbins that are chipped or otherwise damaged.
November: Check power strip and/or battery backup: Ten years is the suggested lifespan for a power strip/surge protector. As many machines today have electronic/computerized components, a good surge protector is a must! Check yours for age and replace if needed. Date your new strip to keep up with the age!
December: Review your list of resolutions and see what you have accomplished for the year! Make your list for next 2026 and you’ll be off to a great start.
Here’s hoping that 2025 will be a great stitching year for all of us!
-submitted by The Sewing & Vacuum Center