You may or may not be one to get the flu (influenza) or COVID vaccine. Either way, I encourage you to take natural proactive steps to building your immune system to fight off the flu, COVID, and other viruses naturally. We all know that flu vaccine doesn’t always work. Take time this year to help keep healthy with these seven simple tips.
The first tip is to get plenty of rest during this time of year. A lack of sleep has been proven to lower your immune system’s defense. Getting an additional one-half to one hour of sleep per night can help give your body an added immune boost. Is it a coincidence the days are shorter and the sun goes down quicker during the winter? I think this is providential. With God there are no mistakes. Maybe we can learn something from nature and the hibernating animals during the winter.
Optimal sleep for most individuals is seven-eight hours. Sleep and health studies in the Archives of Internal Medicine revealed how a lack of sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, double the likelihood of depression, increase allergies, impair memory, concentration, mood, sexuality, and give you less control over blood sugar levels. Chronic sleeplessness is linked to inflammation and changes in the blood chemistry that may be behind a variety of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and neurological diseases.
Tip number two is to make sure you eat plenty of foods from nature that are full of good nutrients. Processed foods lack nutrients. Less nutrients means less fuel for your body which can weaken your immune system. The goal should be to eat more fresh vegetables (dark green leafy vegetables are full antioxidants), fresh fruits, and foods in the grocery store that line around the edges of the grocery store. These foods are the freshest and have the most nutrients. Organic foods have less artificial flavorings, sweeteners, and preservatives. Also, be sure to check out the local farmers’ markets. They are a great source for year-round fresh produce. On most occasions, they have locally-grown produce and are the best tasting.
Tip number three is to stay well-hydrated with water. Your body is estimated to be up to 70% water composition. Your body uses water to regulate body temperature, transport oxygen to all the cells of the body, protect your joints, and flush out toxins.
Coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks are diuretics. Unfortunately, they don’t work like water. They actually pull water from the cells of your body and cause dehydration. Green tea, although a diuretic, does have a benefit of having antioxidants.
Tip number four is to quit smoking cigarettes and vapes. Regardless of all the bad toxins in cigarette smoke and vapes, they also paralyze the immune system. Smoke dries out nasal passages and paralyzes the small delicate hairs (cilia) in your nasal passages and lungs responsible for protecting your body against viruses. The way they do this is by removing mucous, allergens, and particles. One cigarette can paralyze these hairs for as long as 30 or 40 minutes.
Tip number five is to add immune boosting supplements to your daily intake regiment. A good multi-vitamin is one that is taken several times a day. These will help add essential nutrients that may be missing from your daily diet. I am not a huge fan of One-A-Day vitamins. I do not believe that they are the best choice for boosting your immune system. Vitamin C studies have shown that it helps to boost virus fighting cytokines that are found within the blood. This occurs within five hours of taking vitamin C. Other vitamins that are helpful to the immune system are Vitamin D3 and zinc. Asian Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is an herb that helps the immune system fight viral infections. It used often with cancer patients with a weakened immune system. It should not be used by pregnant women, lactating women, or those using anticoagulant medications like warfarin (Coumadin). Echinacea has long been used to stimulate the immune system. It is believed to increase the production of white blood cells and levels of interferon (important for the body’s response to viral infections).
Tip number six is easy to implement. Wash your hands regularly. Most flu viruses are spread by direct contact. An example would be someone sneezing on their hands and then touching items that may be touched by other individuals. It is believed that viruses live longer during the cold months which can mean they can live for several hours. Washing your hands often and sanitizing more will help decrease the spread of the virus.
Tip number seven is to boost your nervous system. Science has proven that chiropractic care can be an excellent way to boost your immune system. When the joints of your spine become misaligned and fixated, they can irritate the delicate nerves that carry messages from the brain to the body. Small irritation of the nerves can reduce the effectiveness of the immune system.
Dr. Pero, Chief of Cancer Prevention Research at New York’s Preventative Medicine Institute and Professor of Medicine in Environmental Health at New York University, conducted a study and found that “chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have so that you can fully resist serious disease. The chiropractic patients had a 200% greater immune competence than people who did not receive chiropractic care and a 400% greater immune competence than people with cancer or other serious diseases…”
Your brain and nervous system control your entire body and every organ in it. They also control your immune system and its ability to function well. A fully functioning nervous system with no stress on the spine creates a sound healing environment and increased immune system function.
I hope you will take a proactive approach to fighting off viruses this year. The best defense to fighting viruses is always proactive prevention. Create a strong immune system and it will help take care of you!
-by Dr. Brandon Crouch
About the Author: Dr. Brandon Crouch is a Chiropractor with Crouch Family Chiropractic. He is an advocate for being proactive when it comes to your health and encourages people to make healthy, informed decisions. For more information you can go online at: www.crouchfamilychiro.com or on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/CrouchFamilyChiropractic.
(Disclaimer: Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise, diet, or supplementation program. This information is not intended to provide medical advice or replace information provided by your healthcare professional. These statements have not been reviewed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.)