The Dolly 9 to 5K Run/Walk will be held on Saturday, March 8 beginning at 8am at The Barn at Bethel Grove in Franklin, Kentucky. This event is part of the annual fundraising for the Simpson County Chapter of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Dolly Parton founded Imagination Library as a tribute to her father, who was illiterate. Dolly states that her dream is for every child to grow up in a home full of books. Many people believe Dolly Parton herself funds Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, however, it is through local sponsorships and fundraising this program is available to each community. All 120 counties in the state of Kentucky offer enrollment in the program, free of charge to the family, for their child to receive one free book each month from ages birth to five years old.
The Simpson County Chapter of DPIL currently has more than 600 children enrolled in the program. Since its inception in Franklin, more than 1,800 children have graduated from the program at the age of five years old as they entered kindergarten. The Franklin Elementary Family Resource Center coordinated a Family Fun Event in previous years to raise money for the Chapter, hosting family-friendly activities, crafts, vendors, and giveaways. Hosting a community event for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library brings awareness to the importance of early childhood literacy, family engagement, and community involvement.
The Dolly 9 to 5K Run/Walk will be a Dolly-themed event including glitter galore, a Dolly Parton playlist, and an appearance by Dolly Parton impersonator Natasha Neely from Owensboro, Kentucky. Registration cost for the event is $26 which will guarantee free books for one child for one year. Race awards, giveaways, t-shirts, refreshments, and photo opportunities will be available for race participants on race day. The opportunity to make individual donations to the Simpson County Chapter of DPIL will also be available.
To register for the event, go to RunSignup.com. For questions about the event, to become a sponsor of the event, or further details, reach out to Lucinda Eversman, Family Resource Coordinator, at 270-586-2026 or Lucinda.eversman@simpson.kyschools.us.
-submitted by Simpson County Chapter of DPIL