As the new year begins, many of us feel a surge of hope and anticipation. We resolve to improve, strive for better health, cultivate stronger relationships, and even pursue spiritual growth. Yet, as the weeks roll on, our resolve can falter, and we find ourselves overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. This year, what if we embraced a resolution that not only brings lasting change but also enriches our walk with God: committing to read and meditate on God’s Word, one chapter at a time.

Why Focus on God’s Word?
The Bible is not just a book; it’s God’s living Word, given to us to guide, comfort, and transform our lives. Psalm 119:105 reminds us, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” In a world filled with uncertainty, confusion, and noise, Scripture offers clarity, wisdom, and peace.
But let’s face it – reading the Bible can sometimes feel overwhelming. With 66 books and over 1,100 chapters, where do we even begin? That’s why focusing on just one chapter at a time can make all the difference.
The Power of Small, Consistent Steps
Life change doesn’t happen all at once. Like planting seeds in a garden, growth takes time, patience, and care. The same is true for our spiritual journey. When we commit to reading one chapter a day, we establish a rhythm of steady, intentional connection with God.
Here’s why this approach works:
1. It’s Achievable: One chapter a day takes about 5-10 minutes to read. Even in the busiest seasons, this small time investment fits into any schedule.
2. It Builds Habitual Discipline: By starting small and being consistent, we create a habit that grows deeper roots over time.
3. It Fosters Reflection: Focusing on one chapter allows us to meditate on the text, ask questions, and truly absorb its meaning.
A Simple Plan to Get Started
Our church has decided to read God’s Word and watch it change our lives. If you’re ready to join us, here’s a simple plan to help you begin:
1. Subscribe to the Bible Breakdown: To stay accountable and on track, it is important to have a plan and to do it with others. Our podcast “The Bible Breakdown” focuses on reading one chapter a day and explaining it along the way. To join in, text “rlcBible” to 94000 or visit www.thebiblebreakdown.com. Both are free!
2. Set a Time and Place: Consistency is key. Find a quiet time – perhaps early in the morning or before bed – and a space where you can read and listen without distractions.
3. Read and Reflect: As you read each chapter, we recommend the SOAP Bible study method for reflection and journaling.
◦ S – What Scripture stood out and why?
◦ O – What did you observe or notice about the text?
◦ A – What Action step or Application will you take from the passage?
◦ P – How will you make this a prayer back to God?
4. Pray Through It: Close your reading time by praying about what you’ve learned. Ask God to help you live out His Word in practical ways.
Encouragement for the Journey
Some days will be easier than others. Life may get busy, or distractions may come your way. Don’t let those moments derail you. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection but persistence. If you miss a day, pick up where you left off. To keep your motivation strong, consider inviting a friend or family member to join you. Share insights, encourage one another, and hold each other accountable.
As you commit to reading God’s Word, one chapter at a time, you’ll begin to notice a profound transformation. God’s truths will shape your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. You’ll find guidance in times of uncertainty, strength in seasons of struggle, and joy in moments of triumph.
Isaiah 55:11 declares, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” When we make time for Scripture, God works in us and through us, fulfilling His purposes in ways we can’t even imagine.
Our prayer is for this to be the year when we choose to prioritize God’s Word. Let’s start small, stay consistent, and allow Scripture to illuminate your path and deepen your relationship with the One who holds all your days.
Let’s step into this new year not with lofty, unachievable resolutions, but with a simple, profound commitment: one chapter at a time.
For more information, visit: www.theBibleBreakdown.com or text “rlcBible” to 94000.
-by Brandon Cannon, Pastor, Real Life Church