Upon retiring, many newly minted retirees find themselves looking for ways to fill their free time. Hobbies may not take up too much time, and travel can stretch retirees’ budgets.
One way that retirees can make great use of their free time and make a little extra money is to find part-time employment. Part-time jobs can help retirees maintain their connections with their communities, whether it’s their professional community or the community in which they live, while also providing a sense of purpose. Retirees interesting in finding part-time work may want to consider the following jobs.
• Consulting work: Many retirees have long résumés, and that experience is still valuable even after retirement. Consulting firms often hire experienced businesspeople on a project or contract basis, which can be great opportunities for retirees to fill their time and make sizable amounts of money without having to commit to long-term employment.
• Teaching: Retirees can also put their professional experience to work in the classroom. Inquire about teaching opportunities at a nearby university or even the local high school. Such opportunities may only be available on a volunteer basis, but some might pay part-time salaries or small stipends. Either way, many retirees find that working with young people helps them stay young, and passing on lessons learned to younger generations can provide a strong sense of purpose.
• Seasonal work: Seasonal work is another great way for retirees to fill their time and make a little extra money along the way. Come the holiday season, retirees should have no trouble finding seasonal retail work at their local malls or shopping centers. In warmer months, retirees may find seasonal employment at area beaches, golf courses or parks.
• Sports teams: Retirees who live in cities with professional sports teams may be able to find work with their favorite franchise. Professional sports franchises often rely on retirees to staff in-game positions like ushers and concessions employees, and some may even hire retirees to greet fans. While the pay might not be great, such positions are ideal for retirees who happen to be big sports fans.
• Crafts: Retirees with a love of crafting can turn their hobby into income. For example, Etsy.com makes it easy for creative entrepreneurs to post their creations and sell them to buyers all over the globe. Sellers often dictate how quickly they can make and ship products, so retirees need not feel worried about being rushed.
Many retirees still work even after calling it a career, and opportunities abound for men and women looking to fill their time and make a little extra money along the way.
CAPTION: Part-time consultant work may be just what retirees are looking for to fill their time and earn some extra money.