I heard in the late fall that we would have a wet and warm winter. Well, the emphasis should have been on WET! I don’t know if I have ever seen so much continuous rain. This is far better than snow, and so I’ll continue to splash, slip and slide through the mud searching through the clouds for the first sign of spring. I know that all of this water is a gift from God and when the pastures turn green and the sun is shining bright in the sky, spring will have returned to Kentucky.
Every once in a while I like to address this article to first-time readers. These are not stories about sad, unwanted horses, but instead they are happy tales about the strength and resilience of the magnificent animals we call horses. Rainhill Equine Facility is home to 49 horses with various disabilities that render them “useless” to most people. Thirty-four of these horses are blind and would have met an unspeakable death if not brought to a sanctuary where sightless horses are loved and understood. Luckily, we are able to take many of these horses, but sadly, not all. Rainhill is located on 185 acres northwest of Bowling Green on Hwy 185. We operate solely on donations and no one here receives a salary of any kind. All money donated goes directly to the care and feeding of these precious horses.

This work goes on 24-7 and is truly a labor of love. There are many ways that you can help us care for these horses. All donations are tax-deductible (we are 501c3) and receipts will be sent. We always need baled hay and will gladly pick it up, just call.
We also always need the following:
- Salt Blocks and Bricks
- Senior Feed
- Apples and Carrots
- Corn Oil
- Gift Cards for Lowe’s, TSC, Stockdale’s, Home Depot, Southern States
- Bagged Bedding

We buy our grain at Southern States (33 bags a week). If you’d like to buy a bag just call them at 270-843-1146 and tell them it’s for Rainhill.
I’d like to thank everyone who has been so kind and generous to the horses. It really is a beautiful world filled with many amazing people who are doing good work everywhere we look. My heartfelt love and appreciation to you all. God bless you.
Cash donations are always appreciated and checks can be sent to us at:
Rainhill Equine Facility
11125 Hwy. 185
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Many thanks,
Karen Thurman