Fresh tomatoes, squash, and greens – OH MY! If you need your fresh produce fix, visit the SoKY Marketplace Crop Shop on Tuesdays through Thursdays from 3 to 6p.m. The Crop Shop is also stocked with local honey, maple syrup and farm fresh eggs and is located within the Historic Venue on 7th.
Needing a place to can your summer veggies, and to make your fruity jams? Check out the SoKY Marketplace’s Community Commercial Kitchen. Schedule a kitchen tour by emailing sokymarketplace@gmail.com. Once you have toured the kitchen, use our incubator resources to help you plan and execute the best way to utilize your time when renting the kitchen. If you are selling these items, we can also help you with marketing and pricing schemes. The Community Commercial Kitchen is here to help culinary entrepreneurs and people looking to just become self-sufficiently sustainable alike.
With the holidays upon us, look to The Historic Venue on 7th for your holiday party needs. We are booking now. Email sokymarketplace@gmail.com to set up a tour and a planning meeting on how we can make your holiday party memorable.
The Crop Shop can help you get your local fruits and vegetables during the week to get you by until the Farmers Markets on Saturdays. The Community Commercial Kitchen can let you adventure with your kitchen ideas. The Historic Venue on 7th can accommodate your celebration needs. So, come see us today, or check out our website at www.sokymarketplace.org or follow us on Facebook at SoKY Marketplace and let us help you find your fix.