A trip from NE Indiana to Nashville, TN four years ago inspired relocation to Bowling Green for Angie Acker. After a 24-year marriage, Bowling Green was a place to start fresh. An invitation from a high school BF in Smiths Grove to “stay awhile” and look for work furthered this adventure. Following relocation, Angie Rae convinced her retired mother to make the move here as well.
Angie Rae’s Events is a private event planning business designed to give people the opportunity to have an event at a reasonable cost without the hassle of all the planning and work. You tell Angie what you want – and she’ll do the rest. Located at 1038 Chestnut (formerly the old Brickyard), Angie Rae’s can offer you a newly built stage, state-of-the-art sound system, DJ or local band, photo booth or photographer, a beautiful spacious bar and bartending services, and food. Angie will take care of set-up, plus all the decorating with your chosen theme. Expansion plans are also in the making to include Angie Rae’s Brunches & Buffets and an all-new special events food menu provided by Angie Rae, Miss Mary Ettas & Mama Jo’s Specialties.
For a tour of the Chestnut Street venue, call Angie at 260-403-5793 to arrange an appointment. The facility is newly decorated and still in the process of major improvements. This venue is just perfect for upcoming weddings, graduation parties, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other family gathering – or just a private party to entertain friends and have a great night!
The other half of Angie Rae’s Events is located downtown on the square at 918 State Street (West Star Building). Available here are activity rooms suitable for business meetings, group activities, or a place to interview prospective employees. Also at this location is Angie’s Reiki Therapy room, as she is a certified Reiki therapist. Therapy is available morning, afternoon or evening by appointment. Call for an appointment at reasonable rates and with new client specials.
The goal of Angie Rae’s Events is to offer special services to the community that no one else is offering at prices that are affordable. Angie has 30+ years’ experience in customer service, catering, special event planning and coordination, and areas of health and fitness. She is also certified as a Zumba dance instructor. If interested in organizing a group for Zumba, she will be glad to help with the organization, and classes would be held at the Chestnut Street location.
The other part of the downtown location is a showroom with a “fun stop” gift shop for small, inexpensive gifts for co-workers’ birthdays or just a small fun gift for your favorite friend. Party supplies and favors are also available. Mom (Jocelyn or Jo) offers Hand and Mind Therapy – classes in knitting, crocheting, bridge, adult coloring – all forms of hand and mind therapy to help relieve your stress and learn something new! Classes can be scheduled to fit everyone’s schedule. Group rates are available as well as rates for individual one-on-one sessions. Gather a group of friends who want to learn something new and contact Jo to arrange for a meeting. The individual organizing the group will receive a discount! Jo also offers piano lessons, music theory and has a display of her knitted projects and framed coloring art which can be purchased.
Coffee, soft drinks and snacks are available for activities at State Street. Parking is free in the lot in back of the State Street location; the entrance to Angie Rae’s Events is from the newly decorated and well-lit Morris Alley (south side of the West Star Building). Call Jo at 260-452-7937 to arrange for a meeting at 918 State Street to see what all we have to offer you.
Jocelyn is a retired business teacher/paralegal. She started her education with a piano scholarship but changed paths. She has always been a “crafts” person, learning to knit and crochet at an early age. She can testify to the therapeutic value of these activities. Playing bridge has also been central in her life, as bridge is a challenging form of mind therapy that keeps you on your toes. As is adult coloring using shading techniques.
Angie and Jo hope to see you soon!
-submitted by Angie Rae’s Events