The Warren County Public Library’s Teen Poetry Contest was started in 2019 by the library’s Teen Advisory Board (fondly known as TAB). The goal of the contest is to celebrate and uplift the young voices of poetry in our community and recognize National Poetry Month. Applications were accepted March 9th through April 19th and one winner was selected for both Middle School and High School age categories. As the Teen Poetry Contest recognizes its 2020 winners, we invite you to celebrate the written word with us, and remember how important self-expression is for all ages of life.
Please enjoy these poems by this year’s winners:
Ava Gregory-Mabrey, Age 16
Grade 10, South Warren High School
I look up to see a rose-tinted sky
stars winking and climbing and bright;
caroling crickets and bright lightning-bugs
ease the weary day into the night.
I walk through the sunbaked yellowing grass,
my feet sinking into the ground,
and over my toes skittered carpenter ants
determined and strong and homebound.
I sit cross-legged on the black asphalt
and the gumweed waves gently at me
as it sits, content, in the dark pavement
where it wants and fights so hard to be.
I breathe the sweet summer scent in the wind,
the air heavy with bonfire smoke,
and the wind carries hoots and whooping laughter
as the neighbors sing and shout and joke.
I smile into the wine setting sun
and my cheeks flush rose from its light,
and my skin feels warm and kind and fulfilled
and my heart feels tranquil and bright.
I think and then I begin to worry,
but the mellow breeze ruffles my hair,
and the stars whisper down sweet soothing words
and I blink and I breathe and I care.
Lost (April 12, 2020)
Ariti Gani, Age 14
Grade 8, Bowling Jr. High School
Who are we?
We are glass bottles with messages on rolled-up parchment inside,
Constantly floating in the ocean,
Meant to wash up on shore someday but never reaching it,
Lost at sea forever.
Who are we?
We are the first slice of bread in a loaf,
Discarded because one of its sides is entirely crust,
Forgotten without even a second thought.
Who are we?
We are the Lost Boys of Neverland,
With only Peter Pan to call family,
With nobody else but ourselves to rely on,
Accepting that this will be our fate for the rest of our lives.
Who are we?
We are Cinderella’s shattered glass slipper,
The poisoned apple in Snow White’s throat,
The needle that Aurora pricked herself on,
The appetite of the wolf that devoured Little Red Riding Hood,
And Ariel’s last word before she lost her voice.
Who are we?
We are the first leaves to fall off the tree.
We are toys that never got played with.
We are vagabonds on the road of life.
We are lost,
But we’re determined to be found again.
-submitted by Warren County Public Library