In late May, Be Happy Yoga & Salt Cave reopened the Himalayan Salt Cave and retail area as well as massage and treatments! Before SOKY went to print, we anticipated that on June 1st we will be allowed to have group yoga classes available, although the class sizes will be decreased, and private yoga therapy will be available as well. Our online class format will continue to be available, regardless, for those not ready to venture out. We are thrilled to reopen to offer you all these modalities for your better health and well-being. We can’t wait to see you in the studio again! It will look a little different for a while, but we appreciate and covet your support. Please take time to review the following:
COVID-19 UPDATE: At Be Happy, we are committed to doing all that we can to keep our community safe and healthy during these uncertain times. You’ll notice when you come back to visit that we have enhanced our policies and procedures – all with your safety and health in mind.
What WE Are Doing
Here’s what you can expect when you come back to visit:
· We will screen everyone outside our entrance for symptoms of potential (viral) flu-like illness.
· We will ask that everyone wear a face mask inside the studio (if you do not have one, we are happy to provide you one).
· We will be limiting the number of people entering the facility to allow for social distancing.
· Hand sanitizer stations will be readily available throughout the studio.
· You’ll notice new Plexiglass shields have been installed in our reception area.
· Our team will be cleaning our facility and wiping down surfaces hourly,increasing our already-present and thorough cleaning routines.
· While you are already able to shop inside, curbside pickup and shipped deliveries will continue to be available if you prefer to call in your order ahead of time (270-799-8070).
What YOU Can Do
Here are some ways you can be a good neighbor and keep yourself and your Be Happy community safe and healthy:
· Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (use hand sanitizer when soap is not available).
· Wear a face mask to protect others.
· Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.
· Cover coughs and sneezes (use the elbow method).
· Try to keep distance (at least 6 feet) between yourself and others.
· Most importantly, if you’re feeling sick: stay home.
Please refer to the CDC and World Health Organization for additional resources.
-submitted by Be Happy Yoga & Salt Cave