Since 2009, Hope House has been serving Bowling Green through its faith-based, community development ministries. The mission of Hope House is to alleviate physical and spiritual poverty through gospel restoration. What began as a ministry of one church quickly became a nonprofit organization supported by many churches, businesses and individuals. Hope House exemplifies what it means for neighbors to help neighbors, with the majority of funding and services provided by and to people in Bowling Green and the surrounding area.
At the heart of its ministries, Hope House’s goal is to see dignity restored in the lives of those struggling with poverty in our community. While some emergency crisis assistance is offered, the focus of this organization’s work is long-term solutions to help break the cycle of poverty. Hope House works toward this aim by offering employment readiness and financial management classes, a car purchasing program, a shuttle to provide affordable transportation to work, a 12-month addiction recovery program, and a Christmas program to empower parents to provide gifts for their children.
Hope House believes that poverty is much more than lacking material things, and that those struggling with poverty have God-given value, talents and skills necessary to improve their situations. All that is required of those who want to help is the willingness to walk alongside those who are struggling. Hope House offers many opportunities to volunteer through its Community Store, Jobs for Life and Faith & Finances classes, Ready to Work Shuttle, and Program Living for Men. To view current volunteer opportunities, learn more about Hope House’s ministries, and support the organization’s mission financially, visit www.hopehousebg.com.
-by Casey Rice