Giving is all around, all year, every day. But this is the Christmas season… when giving is an event. Nice that you don’t have to be in a huge party or standing behind a podium to present something of value to a friend, family member, or worthy organization. Giving is the expression of appreciation without any expectation!
So is giving to yourself. Have you noticed when you give something away, even if it is a small amount of your time, you almost always receive more of a blessing than you give? That’s a gift from God from the practice of charity. The greatest gift is love, and all others will come from that perspective.
As the saying goes, if you have people on your gift list this Christmas who seem to have everything… or who are ‘hard to buy for’… this year consider the gift of yoga! It benefits everyone, including you – as you commit your life to a more active routine and helping motivate a friend or family member as they motivate you in return. If you have employees in your company, what better gift than a yoga series and gift card? Wellness is very important – less sickness, less absenteeism, and more happiness.
Health and fitness are the prerequisites to longevity and high quality of life throughout every stage of your journey in the world. And on that note, yoga is by far the most comprehensive practice for attaining and maintaining health, fitness, mental focus, deeper breathing and calmness. Yoga is not simply stretching and sitting, as some stereotypical opinions continue to hold. The vast majority of people who have that opinion have never stepped foot into a real yoga class. Experiencing true yoga with all the healthy benefits is something we should all plan to do – especially now!
Yoga benefits are many and great:
“Amazing” has been a popular word for many years, and it describes yoga perfectly. Some of the hundreds of positive benefits of yoga include:
– Weight loss and control – Strength and muscle building without weights or apparatus – Increased flexibility – Healing, quick recovery from injuries or surgeries – Healthier back & spine with lengthening techniques – Improved breathing & lung function – Better balance – Better posture – Powerful core – Improvement for arthritis, healthier joints – Detoxification of the body – Positive attitude – Better mental concentration – Restful sleep – Recovery from high-impact exercise – Improved circulation – Safe, effective cardio – Excellent calorie burning (the best anywhere with Hot Yoga) – Improved blood profile numbers (per personal testimonies from actual practitioners) – Leaner, longer, proportionate body.
The first step is yours. Everyone at Hot Yoga Bowling Green had a “first class.” We love to welcome newcomers to our yoga family, in our super-clean and safe, social-distancing studio. Having fun is very important to us. Practicing safety and kindness is very important to us. We are well trained to take care of you during your yoga experience. Our goal is to bring all of the good things about yoga to you… without any negatives. And nobody works harder or more joyfully toward those goals than the staff at Hot Yoga!
Gift cards for any amount are available at Hot Yoga, along with gift packages for “Quick Start” yogis & beginners, and we have an extensive retail department with quality clothing, gear and accessories at very affordable prices. Buy LOCAL… even by phone: 270-793-0011. Let us help with your gift needs all year. And remember: We will have “gifting” specials each week during December! You can get your family members a package or series for Christmas and sign them up for winter fun. Don’t forget to buy Hot Yoga for yourself, too!
And now, here it is… Your December, 2020 “Pause for a Pose”: Open the Gate Pose – or Revolved Side Leg Stretching
This posture is not only a great leg stretch, but a tremendous hip-opening, toning, focusing, lengthening and strengthening pose! Flexibility improvements are amazing with regular practice. Consistency and safety are always the key elements. Begin in seated position with the left heel at the left groin and right leg out to the right as far as comfortable. The extended leg can be angled diagonally, or as far as parallel to the back of your mat or back wall depending upon your flexibility today. Inhale both arms up from the sides, facing forward, and then exhale while pivoting the torso toward the leg and softly floating the arms down the extended leg toward the foot. Grasp the foot with both hands, taking the forehead to the knee or as close as possible. Inhale up, raising the torso, with the right hand still gripping the right foot and left arm lifting highly toward the sky. Rotate the chest forward, gaze upward at the left hand and then exhale as you lower the right elbow toward the right knee, straighten the back in line with left arm. Continue the long exhale while pulling inward on the right foot and stretching the left hand and left side toward the right leg. With time and practice, you may eventually grab the right foot and right hand with the left hand! Wow. Repeat other side.
Now, enjoy practicing this pose all month, and we will see you tomorrow at Hot Yoga. God bless, namaste’, and Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year to you and yours!
-by Tony Bishop, E-RYT
About the author: Tony Bishop, E-RYT/RYT/CYT, is director and chief instructor with Hot Yoga Bowling Green, Kentucky. He is certified and trained in a myriad of health and fitness disciplines including Hatha Yoga, Yoga Personal Training, Yoga Coaching, Yoga Teacher Training, Sil lum Kung Fu, Tai Chi exercise, Spinning/indoor cycling, PowerHouse Pilates instruction, core conditioning, self defense programs and boot camp variations. He has some 6,000 hours of yoga teaching experience, he is registered through Yoga Alliance and is an avid researcher and proponent of progressive yoga movement and development of more effective, deeper and meaningful training methodology. He is now co-owner, founder & lead trainer with Revelation School of Yoga, RYS – a newly registered RYT teacher training program in this region! Contact: 730 Fairview Avenue, C-2, Bowling Green. 270-793-0011, email hotyogabg@yahoo.com, website www.hotyogabg.com.