The Plaza Theatre seats were filled with laughing patrons. The tired Far Off Broadway Players were smiling from ear to ear as they walked to the edge of the stage, made their bows and waved at the audience. That was March 9th, 2020, and the show was the comedy, “The Savannah Sipping Society.” No one could have predicted it would be the last show the Plaza Theatre would have on the stage for over 16 months. And it was the last live show for the Far Off Broadway Players in as much time. But that is about to change!
The Plaza Theatre is reopening their doors August 14th, and next month, September, the Far Off Broadway Players are back with a hilarious, romantic comedy! September 17th, 18th and 19th, don’t miss the gut-busting, “Four Weddings and an Elvis,” by Nancy Frick at the Plaza Theatre! The play tells the story of Sandy (Peggy Goodman), the four-times-married-three-times-divorced owner of a wedding chapel in Las Vegas who has certainly seen her fair share of matrimonies! In this hilarious and heartwarming romantic comedy, we witness four of her most memorable. There’s Bev (Jessica Gilbert) and Stan (Bradley Williams), who are getting married as revenge on their exes – Vanessa (Leigh Witty) and Bryce (Paul Glodfelter), two arrogant, aging stars who are tying the knot as a publicity ploy – Marvin (Allen Hogan) and Fiona (Renee Schuler), a gentle postal-worker and a tough ex-con who could not be more in love! And most touching of all is Sandy’s fifth and final wedding – to the love of her life. Also in the cast are local actors Brett Riley (John), Phil Patton (Lou) and Charley Goodman (Ken). If you are planning on reserving your seats, this play does contain some adult language and content, so it is recommended for folks aged 17 and older.
This November, perhaps this year more than others, we all are incredibly excited to finally have the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with our families eating plenty of turkey and all the trimmings. This year, however, you and your family have something fun and entertaining to do after Thanksgiving! November 26th, 27th and 28th make your plans now to visit the Plaza Theatre for the classic holiday tale, “Miracle on 34th Street!” This is a true stage adaption based upon the Twentieth Century Fox motion picture “Miracle on 34th Street,” starring your friends and neighbors right here in South Central Kentucky! It is the perfect after-Thanksgiving dessert and will certainly get you and your family into the Christmas spirit!
Reserve your seats now for “Four Weddings and an Elvis” on September 17th, 18th and 19th and “Miracle on 34th Street” on November 26th, 27th and 28th! Tickets are $12 or $10 each if you reserve a group of 10 more. Call the Plaza Theatre Box Office at 270-361-2101 or visit www.historicplaza.com to order your tickets. Come to the Plaza Theatre and celebrate the return of live theatre presented by your own Far Off Broadway Players!
-by Paul Glodfelter