by Courtney McBaen
Summer is over and the kids are back to school, but the fun doesn’t stop there. The SoKY Marketplace will still be having amazing produce, meats and cheeses all month long, not to mention fun events for kids and adults.
We are pleased to announce the Grand Opening of our Community Kitchen and Culinary Incubator on Friday, September 15, from 4 to 8 p.m. We will be opening the doors to the Historic Taylor’s Chapel (across from Mariah’s) and inviting the community to come and see what this facility holds. The ribbon cutting will be at 4 p.m. followed by an open house and dinner. We will have a chef cooking up a storm and serving amazing fresh local food.
The Community Kitchen and Culinary Incubator is a unique facility meant to be useful to and enjoyed by many. The kitchen is furnished to accommodate a wide variety of start-up food businesses. It is the mission of the SoKY Marketplace to aid anyone who may desire to start or expand their business and to provide a clean and workable space for all. If you or someone you know is interested in renting the kitchen or event space, please contact the director of operations at sokymarketplace@gmail.com for more information. You can also check out our website, www.sokymarketplace.org, for additional information.
Did you know the SoKY Marketplace is now a year-round market? Beginning on Saturday, October 21, we will be moving inside the basement of the Historic Taylor’s Chapel for our Winter Market. You’ll now be able to enjoy our farmer’s market year-round!
SoKY Sprouts Kids Club meets on Second Saturdays, with the next date being September 9 at 10 a.m. SoKY Sprouts is an educational program for children aged 5-13 which provides activities to allow kids to engage with local farmers. It will encourage a better understanding of farmers and where food comes from. By empowering kids to make healthy food choices, we hope to improve future health outcomes of childhood obesity and diabetes while encouraging a new generation of informed, healthy market shoppers. Our September activity will be sponsored by Western Kentucky Medical Society and The Ridley Group. Participants will be learning about how to make healthy school lunches. We will be gathering produce from our farmers and learning how to pack fresh yummy foods. Sprouts registration is open to the first 20 kids who sign up, and each participant will be given SoKY Sprouts Vouchers to spend at the Marketplace!
Make sure to join us September 16 during the market for our Made Market Craft Fair. We will be showcasing local craft talent and artisans of handmade goods. This is your chance to get a jump-start on all that Christmas shopping!
Mark your calendars for September 23 as well! Local chef Michael Riggs will be joining us at the market that Saturday for a cooking demonstration. Utilizing our brand new outdoor mobile kitchen, Chef Riggs will be using fresh produce from our market that day and making an amazing dish that you could replicate at home that very night! The recipe will be provided so all you have to do is shop and cook!
Located in Downtown Bowling Green at the Pavilion behind SKyPAC and Bowling Green Ballpark, the Marketplace is a great spot for the community to shop directly from local producers who are growing and making products right here in South Central Kentucky. The Marketplace is open every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
We encourage our South Central Kentucky community to come and join us at the Marketplace! Find us on Facebook and Instagram (@sokymarketplace) for calendar updates and information about our local producers and members. You can also check out our website at www.sokymarketplace.org. Free parking is available in the parking lot behind SKyPAC, along Center Street, and in the Stadium Park Plaza parking garage. We look forward to seeing you at the Marketplace!