More than 700 students who graduated from area high schools in spring 2022 had GPAs that made them eligible for the new SKY Merit and enhanced DC to Finish (DC2F) scholarships at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC). This fall, SKYCTC’s DC to Finish scholarship-eligible students earned $260,000, more than tripling the amount SKYCTC awarded to students last fall.
The number of scholarships awarded across SKYCTC’s service area is a testament to the high caliber of students graduating from local schools. In fact, high school graduates are entering SKYCTC with an average high school GPA of 3.2*. This means that the average first-time incoming student could receive $2,000 with the SKY Merit scholarship, which is about half the cost of a full year of tuition.
SKYCTC’s affordable tuition and the opportunity to graduate with little to no student debt have drawn much attention from savvy high school students and their parents. Students like Chloe Cook, a 2022 high school graduate, are looking more closely at the wages of their future careers and considering the impact of tuition costs and student debt. Chloe started at SKYCTC this fall and is taking advantage of the DC to Finish Scholarship while she studies to become a high school math teacher. “I come from a small high school and didn’t want to start at a university right away,” says Chloe Cook. “My high school counselor spoke very highly of SKY, and since I got the DC to Finish scholarship, I knew SKY would be the best choice for me. So far, my experience has been great! My instructors seem like they really care.”
Here are a few of the scholarship opportunities at SKYCTC:
•The DC to Finish Scholarship is the top-tier of the SKYCTC merit scholarships offered to first-time first-year students beginning Fall 2022. It provides $5,000 per academic year to students who complete nine or more SKYCTC dual credit hours with a SKYCTC GPA of 3.0 or better.
•The SKY Merit Scholarship is also for first-time first-year students beginning Fall 2022. The annual award amount ranges from $1,000 to $4,000 and is based on the student’s high school GPA.
•College scholarships are also available by category. Some scholarships are general need-based scholarships for students in any field, while others are dedicated to students in specific disciplines, such as culinary arts, HVAC, and nursing.
•The Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship (WRKS) can pay a student’s total tuition bill. WRKS is not based on a student’s income and allows students to earn up to 60 credit hours in high-demand career fields. Nearly all programs offered at SKYCTC qualify for the WRKS.
For complete scholarship details and requirements, please visit skyctc.edu.
Students who choose SKYCTC get a high return on investment. SKYCTC offers world-class instructors, small classes and hands-on experiences that lead to high-demand careers in our region. Students and parents are invited to visit a campus and learn about the many resources available to graduate from college without student debt. Visit skyctc.edu for information about programs or to schedule a tour.
*average GPA of incoming first-time freshman from 2018-2021
-submitted by Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College