If you follow this space at all, you know that my 50th high school class reunion is this month. YUP… I graduated in 1973 from Bowling Green High School. There was, no doubt, a large group of teachers who celebrated my last day at BGHS. But, as I told a very special friend from that class not too long ago… those were four of the best years of my life… at least so far.
So, in this slightly abbreviated space because, thank You Lord, business is good, I wanted to send a special message to my fellow 1973 classmates. For many various reasons I have never made it to a BGHS Class of ’73 reunion and I will miss this one, as well. To be honest, I really, really wanted to be at this one… but a photo shoot on the beach in Texas requires us there… which is saying a lot when I say I would rather spend the evening with my old… uh… hmmmm… scratch “old” and hear former… classmates than on the beach with a bunch of models and horses. God only knows if I will live to our 55th or 60th… whenever the next reunion will be.
There are some folks I wish I could single out… people who played a big part in my high school years and helped make them the special time they were. Heck, there were even a few teachers I truly enjoyed and learned a great deal from… but since I have not asked permission I won’t mention any names. I hope my fellow Purples know who they are and hopefully will remember me fondly as well.
Twila and I are honored to have been allowed to send along a little trinket to my classmates from 1973. I don’t like a big keychain in my pocket so I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my copy… it was just stuck in my center desk drawer… until a classmate suggested it would make a nice Christmas ornament. Since my and Twila’s Christmas tree stays up year-round… that’s a story for another time… I immediately took my “Once a Purple… Always a Purple” keychain and hung it on the tree. She was right… it looks great.
So, to my fellow 1973 Bowling Green High School graduates… as Bob Hope used to sing, “Thanks for the memories!” I hope you have as many great recollections of our time at BGHS as I do and I wish you all a fantastic reunion and hope to see you in five… or ten… or… fifty more years!