Wild Bird and Nature Store has been your one-stop retail store for outdoor bird feeding supplies, bird feeders and art since 1999. We are celebrating our 25th Christmas season in Bowling Green this year.
We offer unique Christmas items and gifts. We have Christmas bird ornaments, nature snow globes, specialty Christmas trees, Christmas gnomes, Christmas wreaths and bows. For our outdoor friends we have bird feeders and bird seed for winter feeding, as well as heated birdbaths, bird bath de-icers, bird houses, feeder setups, chimes, garden flags, wind spinners, rain gauges and garden art for your backyard.
Come visit us during our Christmas Open House Celebration Friday and Saturday, November 3rd and 4th, for special savings on Christmas items – and a special appearance by Santa Claus direct from the North Pole on Saturday, November 4th from 12pm until 2pm!
Get ready for Fall bird feeding. Begin with a good water supply and bird seed. All your outdoor birds look for a constant eater supply during the Fall and Winter months, as well as a full bird feeder. Cardinals, Carolina Wrens, Chickadees, Titmouse, Woodpeckers and Finches stay in our area throughout the year, so don’t forget them. In the Fall, it’s time to clean out your bird houses for next year and time to take down and clean your Hummingbird feeders.
We thank you for shopping local and hope this will be the best Christmas ever!
-submitted by Gerry, Jeftie, Jan, Stephanie, Duann