Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports because it is a fun, social game that is relatively easy to learn. People of ALL ages and skill levels can play.
CHILDREN are really getting excited about it. Inspired by parents wanting to entertain kids, they combined aspects of badminton, tennis and ping pong. SOKY PICKLEBALL expects youth clinics will be in great demand this summer. It’s more and more common to see children and their parents playing together on the courts.
Pickleball is affordable, requires very little equipment and is a great way to make new friends and socialize. Most can learn the game simply by attending a clinic or taking a few private lessons.
All you need is a paddle and some pickleballs and just head to your nearest pickleball court complex. There are almost always others at the courts (inside and outside), ready to play. You don’t even need to bring a partner! OPEN PLAY groups for seniors are currently conducted in the area during the week and they’re FREE!
The Benefits Are Numerous!
#1. Pickleball is considered a moderately intense exercise. It’s easier than tennis, but still a very good way to stay fit. So it’s perfect for children, seniors and adults of all ages. The game involves quick thinking, fast reflexes, hand/eye coordination and strategic planning. It will keep your mind, heart, joints, muscles, and lungs in shape, while making lots of friends! Pickleball will improve balance, coordination and even cognition.
#2. Social interaction, as previously mentioned, is so important. We are social creatures. Naturally, we feel better, sleep better, and have more energy when we interact positively with others. Most players report seeing a marked improvement in their self-esteem, mood and overall sense of well-being. Many make long and lasting friendships through pickleball. It’s a great way to meet “like-minded” active people.
#3. Mental health improves as well as physical and social wellness. Many report a decrease in anxiety, loneliness and depression.
#4. Mental clarity and ability to focus improve as pickleball requires strategic planning, quick reflexes and concentration. Pickleball is a thinking game that hones your mental skills as well as hand/eye coordination and balance. The game is great for memory amongst the senior population. It requires a lot of teamwork and communication.
The paddles are lightweight and easy to use. The balls are a little larger than tennis balls and easier to see. The pickleball court is one-third times smaller than a tennis court, or the same size as a badminton court.
Warren County presently has 26 indoor and 14 outdoor courts. The area is planning to add more many more courts soon as the sport explodes in popularity. Outdoor courts in Warren County are generally open from 8am-10pm seven days a week.
It’s easy to get started. Learn to play Pickleball by taking a clinic with a local instructor, schedule a one-on-one session with a coach, research it online and/or just show up at a court during open play. Watch others and talk to spectators.
Most other players on the courts are welcoming and will be happy to show you the basics. You can be enjoying your first game within a few minutes, but mastering the game will take time and practice. There will always be more to learn and ways to improve. The sport is known for good sportsmanship yet can still be very competitive. There are lots of fundraising tournaments planned each year for the Southern Kentucky region and adult leagues in the evenings. If you are interested in raising monies for your agency or organization, pickleball players love to participate in these type of tournaments.
In summary, Pickleball is like the perfect combination of tennis, badminton and ping pong. The paddles are easier to manage than racquets and the balls are relatively large and brightly colored. It is a very inexpensive game to learn and most take to the courts immediately following a clinic. The game will help you stay active but it doesn’t require peak physical fitness to enjoy the sport. You can play inside or outside. It will definitely improve your overall sense of well-being and enjoyment of life.
Because it is so popular, you don’t need to bring a partner. You can always find others wanting to play and plenty of courts available – with more being built in the area.
During peak times, when the courts are full, it’s a great time to meet and talk with others who are waiting for the next game to start.
Most of all, Pickleball is FUN! It is known for good sportsmanship and maintaining a friendly atmosphere. So don’t be shy. Join in the fastest growing craze that is sweeping the nation and find out for yourself why this game is so popular!
For youth, adult and senior clinics, lessons or an introductory class, see the SOKY PICKLEBALL website at: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__bit.ly_sokypickleballclinics&d=DwIGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=gbC5LHTV9s5SDrFoKTAC6za7ONOBhwTJDY1GFy2Nf4Q&m=cIUNL978487ld9fPbIA82n474W4dYfUjVxoRFblm27HYAmJeQv3fB9r4Hv_2c_0Z&s=ovxlgGMEWWLJ0zAFaf3cP0EZAL-ZH4BVCeY68MwXLyg&e= or call 270-938-7702.
You can also find them on Facebook at Bowling Green Pickleball and Soky Pickleball Clinics.
-by Patricia Carol Olive, Senior Pickleball Player