
The dignity of planning

                  Just as death is part of everyone’s life, it is also part of the cycle of caregiving. At Timesavers, we journey with families from the first signs of balance issues or cognitive decline, to […]


Make a stop at the Crop Shop

                  Have you ever taken the downtown route home and been stopped by the stop sign at the four-way intersection of 7th and College Street? At this intersection, have you seen a small entrance that […]


Summer fun in June!

The SoKY Marketplace Farmers Market is ready for summer with new vendors as well as a growing list of food trucks, activities, and events. There is always something to do at SoKY Marketplace. With June […]


Finding the magic

                  Sometimes the people we love are magicians. They can wave their masterful wand and make us believe everything is as it should be. They can say a few hocus-pocuses and make sure the house […]