It’s a horse’s world at Rainhill
If this is the first time you have seen this article, let me take a moment to introduce myself and my non-profit organization, Rainhill Equine Facility. We are situated in Warren County about 11 miles […]
If this is the first time you have seen this article, let me take a moment to introduce myself and my non-profit organization, Rainhill Equine Facility. We are situated in Warren County about 11 miles […]
One of my favorite parts of operating a horse rescue/sanctuary is meeting the people who love animals as much as I do. We seem to be a special breed. Even as a small child I […]
Next year will be Rainhill’s 40th anniversary. I know it sounds like a long time, but really it isn’t. I look around every day at all that has changed in those years. I remember my 31-year-old […]
It’s a new day in a new year and I will continue to believe that all things are possible. I feel very lucky as I see myself as a positive person. Yes, a very positive […]
Ah, 2023 is about to start. Turning the page on a new year is always exciting for me. My head spins (more than usual!) as I conjure up plans and projects to begin, and hopefully […]
We have had a very busy summer at Rainhill. There is always so much work to do and never enough time. As the days grow shorter, we find ourselves making lists in our heads of […]
It’s a beautiful morning in May. I’ve just finished feeding and watering the horses and have come up to the house to write the June article for SOKY Happenings. Being on a farm surrounded by […]
I heard in the late fall that we would have a wet and warm winter. Well, the emphasis should have been on WET! I don’t know if I have ever seen so much continuous rain. […]
As we begin a new year, my mind spins with plans to build, fix and improve our equine sanctuary. I am very excited to begin a new fencing project, which will, hopefully, include two […]
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