It’s a small world after all…
Ol’ Walt was correct when he said, “It’s a small world after all.” Of course, if you have ever been to the park and ridden the ride, you know it is more about entertainment than […]
Ol’ Walt was correct when he said, “It’s a small world after all.” Of course, if you have ever been to the park and ridden the ride, you know it is more about entertainment than […]
Yeah… yeah… yeah… depending on who you ask… I’m old! I’m sure my grandson and, perhaps, even my son think I’m ancient. If you ask my wonderful wife, she’ll tell you I’m “not old!” Some […]
About a million years ago when I was studying journalism at WKU, I remember one of the most uncomfortable assignments ever… learning to write an obituary. The first part of the assignment was a bit […]
In case you’re a guy and have forgotten… February is the month of love and if you have not planned something for that special someone… shame on you! But I’m not writing about your love […]
OMG… here we are entering another new year. Seems like just yesterday Twila and I were celebrating the New Millennium with a bottle of bad champagne while sitting on the square in Benton, Kentucky waiting […]
Christmas always, at least for me, seems a good time to think back over the years and pick out a few of my favorite memories. I usually try to pick the ones with a clear […]
Writer’s block? That’s one affliction I don’t think I have ever had. More likely I have writer’s overflow! But sometimes I do have trouble coming up with a topic for my column that I will […]
Disclaimer: If you follow my columns much, you know I’m a walker. Not because I like walking… hardly… but because my good friend, Doctor Chuck, and my wife insist they would rather me lose weight than […]
Twila and I have always enjoyed traveling. Being photographers and writers, a cool trip often gives us a new topic… or at the very least – inspiration. So when we were hired to do some […]
July 4th, or Independence Day, means different things to different people. In my mind it stands for two different but related things… our country’s split from England nearly 250 years ago as stated in our […]
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